Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunshine and Tan Lines

It has been ridiculously beautiful outside for the past week-which is why I have not been posting anything-forgive me :). 

So much has happened in the past six days. My life has changed for the foreseeable future-and I don't know if it will be for the good or the bad. My husband got fired from his job last Wednesday after being with his company for ten years. He averaged eighty hours of work per week for them, and was only home (at most) two days a week-recently he has only been home every other weekend or every third weekend. After all of this hard work (even when he was home he was working-phone calls, computer work, etc) to add insult to injury his boss fired him in the parking lot of an airport. What kind of decent human being does that to someone?! It is ridiculous...and heart breaking. His boss met him, said "I have bad news you are fired. Give me your car keys, your laptop, and your company phone. I will drive you over to a rental car to drive home."...isn't that a kick in the pants followed by a punch in the is a horrible, despicable, cowardly, disgusting, terrible, terrible, way to fire anyone-let alone a man who worked as hard as he did for their company...I am still seething mad!!! (I thought I would tell you, in case you couldn't tell from my tirade). 

So after my world basically crumbled to the ground Wednesday-now neither of us is making any money-we have no income until either he gets a job or I go back to work in September....scary scary scary, I tried to focus on other things. I have been staying outside a lot, mowing grass, rotatilling my garden, weed whacking, and just laying in the sun when possible. I've had school work to keep me busy also, which has been a thankful distraction....'grown up juice' as Sarah puts it, also has helped some....I just don't know what to do now though...I have this other grown up in my house with me now 24/7 and I haven't ever had that before...he has always traveled, always been gone five days a my entire marriage changed on Wednesday too.....

It's been quite a week...When battling the worst reaction from grown up juice I've ever had (ha ha) I broke down and got some McDonald's food-it was worth the calories because it made me feel 100x better. I probably shouldn't have done it, but I will blame it on not thinking clearly. Other than that i've done decently well. I had one frappe, and ice cream at Harris Hill, but I've also had quite a few salads (8 I think), which is a huge huge improvement from a month ago. I don't really have a lot to say other than that...I will post again soon because this one isn't really about anything health related. 

Oh! I am starting an ab challenge and squat challenge, I will post pics and updates on my progress. Soon. 

I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful day, keep your chin up. Here is a quote to end with: