Thursday, April 25, 2013


Today is a picture perfect day. The sun is shining, there isn't much wind, and it's around sixty degrees. Not too shabby for April. I haven't done terrible in the way of food -

Breakfast: Homemade iced coffee (low fat cream and vanilla syrup), Greek yogurt and granola(1/4 cup)
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Salad with bacon bits and blue cheese dressing, grilled chicken with spaghetti sauce and mozzarella and a zero calorie energy drink
Snack: Four peppermint patties and water
* I also had a few of the baby's cheese puff things*
Dinner-Sourdough pretzals (three) and a Mike's Hard Lemonade

Also, I went out twice (To Sam's Club in the AM and the park in the PM) and I didn't get eat out either time-a HUGE accomplishment for me-three weeks ago I would have had two McDonald's meals equaling approximately 2,000 calories...

Even though this is all I've had I feel....guilty. Like I could have and should have done better than this....Maybe because I feel too full, maybe because I haven't worked out like I feel I should have yet? I don't know what it is...I know we are our own biggest enemy, but why do we have to be like that? Why can't anything be good enough? Why can't we celebrate little victories instead of focusing on the failures? Why why why? The list goes on and on...

Well that is all for now...I hope everyone has a great night and keep your chin up. Here is a quote to end on:

**Something we can eat guilt-free!! haha**

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